Common Phobias Logo


What are Phobias?

A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities, or persons. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Phobias are believed to be developed by heredity, genetics and brain-chemistry combine with life-experiences.

Types of Phobias

Specific Phobia

Fears of certain objects or situations. Specific phobias usually contain specific panic triggers, such as spiders, snakes, elevators, or flying. These fears develop during childhood and tend to go away, for example, the fear of the dark. If the fear continues through to adulthood, treatment would be the only solution. These fears can keep people from having a normal life, depending on how often they must encounter/avoid the fear.

Social Phobia

Fear of any kind of social situation which involves other people e.g. walking down the street; standing in a queue; visiting a restaurant; attending meetings, giving a speech, etc. People with these phobias tend to avoid the situations they fear.


Fear of experiencing a panic attack in a place or situation from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or they cannot obtain help. People with this phobia may fear being alone, being in a crowd, flying, being in an elevator. Agoraphobia is the only phobia regularly treated as a medical condition.

Blood/Injury Phobia

Fear of the sight of blood; injections; blood pressure measurement; surgery; fear of the doctor or dentist.


Fear of enclosed spaces such as elevators, buses, trains, cinemas, theatres.


List of Phobias A-Z


Phobias That Start With A

Phobias That Start With B

Phobias That Start With C

Phobias That Start With D

Phobias that start with E
Phobias that start with F
Phobias that start with G
Phobias that start with H
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